Opportunities to Get Involved
Hospitality Teams Always Welcome!
Help with beverages and snacks in "Coffee hour" after Sunday services. All food/coffee/snacks etc. is already provided -- you just help organize to put it out and serve.
Count the Offering. We need volunteers once a month to help count the offering. Contact the Church Office
Be an Usher This is a great way to serve your church with minimal investment in time beyond showing up on your designated Sundays to serve. Besides, you're already there anyway, right? Also a great way to meet more folks. Usher teams rotate every five months. Duties include setting up the microphones, posting the hymn numbers on the boards at the front of the sanctuary, passing out programs, collecting the offering (but not counting it) and doing a walk-thru/pick-up after the service. That's it! Please contact the Church office or see an usher in church.
Acolytes Needed Youth 15 and older to light candles during services, etc. Contact Carolyn Brannon.
Nursery Volunteers Contact the Church Office
Conference Baltimore/Washington http://www.bwcumc.org/
Bishop Rev. LaTrelle Easterling
Dist' Supt' Rev. Gerard A. Green, Jr. (Greater Wash' District)
Senior Minister Rev. DaeHwa Park
Hispanic and Latino Ministry Currently Vacant
Director Youth Ministries Valerie Campbell
Organist/Music Director Szu-Yi Li
Custodian Peter Ayok
Office Secretary Wendy De La Roca Barrios
Nursery Coordinator Glennis Palmer and Vera Davies
Chair Christiana Campbell
Lay Leader Priscilla Mitchell
UMM President Philip Palmer, Sr.
UMW President Priscilla Mitchell
SPRC Chair Nathan Block
Finance Chair Andre Small
Endowment Chair Paulette Brown
Worship Chair Sunil Christopher
Mission Chair Janis Taggart
Young Adult Rep' Stacey Matthews
Prayer Coordinators Paulette Brown, Admire Russell
Website Neil Spiller
Members at-large Suzanne Matthews-Williams
Music Director & Organist Elizabeth Schneider
Recording Secr'y Leilani McConnell
Lay Member Frances Tagoe
Trustees, President Dunston Thomas
Financial Secretary Idowwoo Boss-Cole
Treasurer Sunil Christopher
Discipleship Chair Christiana Campbell
Evangelism Chair Elizabeth Sawyerr
Kitchen Coordinator Leilani McConnell
Youth Rep. Keanen Thompson
Historian Leilani McConnell
Multi-Contextual Vision Philip Palmer, Jr.
Members-at-Large Xochilt Martinez
Custodian Peter Ayok
Nominations and Leadership Development
Class of 2021
Elizabeth Sawyerr, Peggy Andrews, Frances Tagoe, DaeHwa Park
Class of 2022
Gladys Palmer, Suzanne Matthews-Williams, Hugh Holder, P. Mitchell
Class of 2023
Valerie Campbell, Jalen Davis, Frances Bakarr
Staff Parish Relations
Class of 2021
Saundra Craig, Keanan Thompson, Frances Bakarr
Class of 2022
Stuart Coxic, Vernice Lee, Marcie Burroughs
Class of 2023
Pat McConnell, Bresford Dakin-Davis, Julius Campbell
Committee on Finance
Andre Small, Sunil Christopher, Philip Palmer Jr., Christian Davies, Godswill Okoji, Elizabeth Lewis, Carol Penne, Priscilla Mitchell, Francess Tagoe, Marcie Burroughs, Idowoo Boss-Cole, Christiana Campbell, Paulette Brown
Josephine Palmer, Eugen Maddy, Mable McCormack, Roseline Seweje, Philip Palmer Jr., Vernice Lee, Guelda Hendrickson, Reginald Spaine, Victor Cole, Andre Small, Selena Fitzjohn
Endowment Team
Paulette Brown, Philip Palmer Sr., Jacqueline Jones-Dove, Carol Penne, Godswill Okoji
Communion Steward and Server Coordinator: Jackie Holder
Acolyte Coordinators: Abie Ngala and Carolyn Brannon